
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Want to be a millionaire???

Perhatian: Satu Dari Rumus Bikin Duit Yang Paling Canggih, Mengesankan, Rahasia Dan Terkenal! Pertama Kali Di Indonesia…


Rads says "begitulah kata2 yang ada di salah satu website program untuk menghasilkan duit,'s a joke somebody said..."

It's a joke??really??? OR it's a real one???

I've been prove be it...apapun yang terjadi terjadilah...percaya atau tidak percaya itu terserah anda...

My name is Rads 22 December 2007, it's happen...believe or not...this is not a joke...

try it...mau duit lumayan kan??kalo yg kenal ma saya trus masih blg gak ada guna padahal udah gabung..saya yg tanggung jawab...ok? coba aj... saya jamin anda tidak akan menyesal..


Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Kabarnya nih, iPhone ga bisa tergores dengan mudah.... Sangat cocok untuk para lelaki yang biasa menaruh hpny d saku... Nah, pasti akan tergoers ama yang namaya kunci kendaraan kita...
Jadi, ini ga menjadi masalah lagi bagi kita....

iPhone kabarnya juga pernah d test blender.. Jadi udah kaya juice aja, tapi daya tahannya d dalam blender, sungguh rumayan lama.. Ini menandakan perusahaan Apple.Inc benar2 mementingkan kualitas..
Nah apakah temen2 berpikir untuk mengganti iPhone...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Tale of Moving Bus

"Cinta itu sama seperti orang yang
menunggu bis. Sebuah bis datang, dan
kamu bilang, "Wah.. terlalu penuh,
sumpek, bakalan nggak bisa duduk nyaman
neh !
Aku tunggu bis berikutnya aja deh."

Kemudian, bis berikutnya datang. Kamu
melihatnya dan berkata, "Aduh bisnya
kurang asik nih, nggak bagus lagi..
nggak mau ah.."

Bis selanjutnya datang, cool dan kamu
berminat, tapi seakan-akan dia tidak
melihatmu dan lewat begitu saja.

Bis keempat berhenti di depan kamu. Bis
itu kosong, cukup bagus, tapi kamu
bilang, "Nggak ada AC nih, bisa
kepanasan aku". Maka kamu membiarkan
bis keempat itu pergi.

Waktu terus berlalu, kamu mulai sadar
bahwa kamu bisa terlambat pergi ke

Ketika bis kelima datang, kamu sudah
tak sabar, kamu langsung melompat masuk
ke dalamnya. Setelah beberapa lama,
kamu akhirnya sadar kalau kamu salah
menaiki bis. Bis tersebut jurusannya
bukan yang kamu tuju ! Dan kau baru
sadar telah menyiakan waktumu sekian
& Moral dari cerita ini:
sering kali seseorang menunggu orang
yang benar-benar 'ideal' untuk menjadi
pasangan hidupnya . Padahal tidak ada
orang yang
100% memenuhi keidealan kita. Dan kamu
pun sekali-kali tidak akan pernah bisa
menjadi 100% sesuai keinginan dia.

Tidak ada salahnya
memiliki 'persyaratan' untuk
tapi tidak ada salahnya juga memberi
kesempatan kepada yang berhenti di
depan kita.

Tentunya dengan jurusan yang sama
seperti yang kita tuju. Apabila
ternyata memang tidak cocok, apa boleh
buat.. tapi kamu masih bisa
berteriak 'Kiri' ! dan
keluar dengan

Maka memberi kesempatan pada yang
berhenti di depanmu, semuanya
bergantung pada keputusanmu. Daripada
kita harus jalan kaki sendiri menuju
kantormu, dalam arti menjalani hidup
ini tanpa kehadiran orang yang

Cerita ini juga berarti, kalau
kebetulan kamu menemukan bis yang
kosong, kamu sukai dan bisa kamu
percayai, dan tentunya sejurusan dengan
tujuanmu, kamu dapat berusaha sebisamu
untuk menghentikan bis tersebut di
depanmu, agar dia dapat memberi
kesempatan kepadamu untuk masuk ke
dalamnya. Karena menemukan yang seperti
itu adalah suatu berkah yang sangat
berharga dan sangat berarti. Bagimu
sendiri, dan bagi dia.

Konsep Para Dosen

Dosen Fisika:
Ciuman adalah gaya tarik menarik
antara dua mulut dimana jarak antara
satu titik dengan titik yang lain
adalah nol.

Dosen Kimia:
Ciuman adalah reaksi akibat interaksi
dari senyawa yang dikeluarkan oleh dua

Dosen Mikrobiologi:
Ciuman adalah pertukaran bakteri
uniseksual di dalam air liur.

Dosen Biologi:
Ciuman adalah menyatunya dua otot
orbicularisoris dalam keadaan

Dosen Ekonomi:
Ciuman adalah sesuatu di mana
permintaan lebih besar drpd penawaran.

Dosen Statistik:
Ciuman adalah kejadian yang peluangnya
bisa sangat tergantung dari angka
statistik berikut: 36-24-36.

Dosen Teknik:
Ciuman? Apa itu..?

Dosen elektro:
Ciuman Adalah bertemu antara ion
positif dan negatif yg mengakibatkan
arus lemah menjadi arus kuat.

Dosen Kedokteran:
Ciuman adalah proses pendiagnosaaan
fisik secara langsung yang
mengakibatkan aliran darah ke organ
reproduksi meningkat.

Dosen Psikologi:
Ciuman adalah proses penjiwaan
terhadap pola pikir seseorang untuk
mengetahui akan kenikmatan.

Dosen program komputer:
If kiss = Hot then go to bed room else
go to bathroom end.

Dosen Seni :
Ciuman adalah sesuatu yang indah bila
dinikmati bersama.

Guru Olahraga :
jika berciuman berkategori sangat
hot, sama besar dengan kalori yang
terbuang untuk berjalan tergopoh-gopoh
(brisk walking).

Dosen Politik (ilmu
transformasi konflik):
ciuman adalah kemampuan untuk
mentransformasi gesekan-gesekan
konflik dari dua kelompok berbeda
sehingga bisa menghasilkan sesuatu
yang positif (win win solution:-semua
senang,semua nyaman...semua melayang).

Dosen Matematika (teori
kemungkinan) :
Ciuman itu gambling, sekarang nyium
Tinggal tunggu balasannya,digampar
ato dibalas cium.

Dosen Olahraga(again):
Ciuman adalah suatu peregangan &
pemanasan untuk -olahraga- yang lebih

Dosen Kewiraan :
Ciuman adalah hak yang dimiliki oleh
seorang pasangan yang hubungannya
telah diakui oleh negara berdasarkan
hukum dan undang-undang yang berlaku.

Dosen Bahasa :
Ciuman adalah berasal dari sebuah kata
dasar -cium- yang mendapatkan
akhiran -an-.

Dosen Seksiologi :
Ciuman adalah suatu teknik rangsangan
dan pemanasan (foreplay) dimana
tahapan ini menyentuh titik titik
rangsangan di seluruh tubuh.

Menurut anaknya dosen :
Ciuman adalah temannya ciunyil,
ciucrit,ciusrok. Bisa juga berarti
sudah sadar dari pingsan.

Most Expensive Car and The Fastest Car

Bugatti Veyron $1,700,000

The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 is the most powerful, most expensive, and fastest street-legal production car in the world, with a proven top speed of over 400 km/h (407 km/h or 253 mph). It reached full production in September 2005. The car is built by Volkswagen AG subsidiary Bugatti Automobiles SAS and is sold under the legendary Bugatti marque. It is named after racing driver Pierre Veyron, who won the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1939 while racing for the original Bugatti firm. The Veyron features a W16 engine—16 cylinders in 4 banks of 4 cylinders.
According to Volkswagen, the final production Veyron engine produces between 1020 and 1040 metric hp (1006 to 1026 SAE net hp), so the car will be advertised as producing "1001 horsepower" in both the US and European markets. This easily makes it the most powerful production road-car engine in history.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Knol- Google Encylopedia

Search and advertising giant Google is developing a user-generated online encyclopedia that could rival Wikipedia.

The web contains an enormous amount of information, and Google has helped to make that information more easily accessible by providing pretty good search facilities. But not everything is written nor is everything well organized to make it easily discoverable. There are millions of people who possess useful knowledge that they would love to share, and there are billions of people who can benefit from it. We believe that many do not share that knowledge today simply because it is not easy enough to do that. The challenge posed to us by Larry, Sergey and Eric was to find a way to help people share their knowledge. This is our main goal.

Earlier this week, we started inviting a selected group of people to try a new, free tool that we are calling "
knol", which stands for a unit of knowledge. Our goal is to encourage people who know a particular subject to write an authoritative article about it. The tool is still in development and this is just the first phase of testing. For now, using it is by invitation only. But we wanted to share with everyone the basic premises and goals behind this project.

Google has named the encyclopedia the "knol project," a knol being a "unit of knowledge," according to a blog post by Google engineering vice president Udi Manber. The company aims to tie strong identities to contributing authors and those seeking to edit knols.

"Our goal is to encourage people who know a particular subject to write an authoritative article about it," wrote Manber. "The goal is for knols to cover all topics, from scientific concepts to medical information, from geographical and historical to entertainment, from product information to how-to-fix-it instructions."

Google will host and provide tools to produce and edit knol Web pages, but will not edit or advocate any of the content. However, entries that Google judges to be of higher quality will be given a higher page ranking inGoogle search.

Entries will be rated by the community and will be able to be reviewed after the unspecified testing period. The project is in beta and has been sent to a small group of testers. Once the knol tool goes live, contributors will be able to monetize their pages by including Google ads.

40% Japanese Man Sit Down to Pee

About 40 percent of adult Japanese men sit on the toilet to urinate — a staggering figure almost three times the number recorded in 1999 — according to a survey by Western-style toilet manufacturer Matsushita Electric Works Ltd.

The survey of 518 men and an identical number of women whose ages ranged from their 30s to 50s showed that the younger the man, the more likely he is to sit down while peeing instead of the traditional method of standing up.

The 40 percent of men who sit while urinating is almost three times more than the 15 percent of men who did so when the company first started surveying toilet habits in 1999.

“Women hate it when urine sprays, so there appears to be an increasing number who are asking men to sit down on the toilet when they have to go,” a Matsushita Electric Works spokesman said.

Would you told your partner to sit down to pee?or would you do sit down to pee if you ask to do with your partner?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Google Phone - Will You??

Here we go...GPhone???Google Phone??? what ever you said it...there's 1 thing I know exactly...Has a great technology. Said this mobile phone released next year,in time we don't know yet.

Google bought Android in August 2005. Later Google snapped up Reqwireless and Skia, two tiny start-ups with mobile expertise, and since then has been hiring mobile-focused folks at a pretty steady clip.

This is 5 facts about Google Phone(by:GigaOM):
  1. Google Phone is based on a mobile variant of Linux, and is able to run Java virtual machines.
  2. All applications that are supposed to run on the Google Phone are java apps. The OS has ability to run multimedia files, including video clips.
  3. The user interface is similar to a UI typical of mobile phones, and the image (with red background) floating around isn’t representative of the Google Phone UI. The entire UI is said to be done in Java and is very responsive. The UI, of course has a “search box.”
  4. There is a special browser which has pan-and-browse features that are common to modern browsers such as browsers for iPhone and Symbian phones. The entire browser is apparently written in Java. But then others have told us that the browser is based on the WebKit core, the same engine in Safari and in iPhone, and Google has been making optimizations to speed it up. This is one aspect of the Google Phone I am not sure about.
  5. Initially there was one prototype, but over past few months Google has the mobile OS running on 3-to-5 devices, most of them likely made by HTC, a mobile phone maker, and all have Qwerty apps. The model that folks have seen is very similar to the T-Mobile Dash. Around 3GSM, there were rumors that Google, Orange and HTC were working together on mobile devices.
So, will you swtich your IPhone or another your mobile phone with this new one?
Do you think that Google Phone will "kill" IPhone?
I think that Apple always used beautiful design and friendly used as their top priority....
You think Iphone vs Google Phone, who is gonna win???

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

BaMboo-JaZZ Up YouR LiFe

Hey Guys,
I provide you a space that we could share information...There's a lot of another blog but maybe this could be your favourite blog...
Anything, everything, whatever you want to say just say it...Share with us...
Email me what you want to share so I will post it...
Give me your critics I will look after it....

I hope you enjoy your cyber web journey in this blog that I made specially for you...

                                        Regards, Rads